Independent Time Displays in Cubase

Independent Time Displays in Cubase

Independent Time Displays in Cubase


This blog will discuss how use Independent Time Displays in Cubase.

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Independent Time Displays in Cubase

Time Displays! We have so many options.

Cubase lets us show our ruler as bars/beats, regular time in minutes/seconds, timecode and even samples!

Now, you might have gotten yourself in a situation in which you need to have all of these time references showing in parallel.

Perhaps you want to see Bars/Beats for music purposes, but at the same time you need timecode for sync and regular time for length purposes.

Is there a way to do this?

Can you have Independent Time Displays in Cubase?

The answer is yes!

Let’s give it a try!


  1. Open a Cubase Project:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



2. Locate your main timeline:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



3. Right click on the main timeline:

The following options will appear:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



It is easy to see how by default, this timeline is set to Bars+Beats.


Let’s create Individual Time Displays for seconds and samples!


4. On the top menu bar click: Project -> Add Track -> Ruler:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



The following window will appear:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



5. Click on “Add Track”:

The new ruler track will be created as:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



Now we must configure this ruler to show seconds.


6.  Click on the ruler track we just created:

The following options will appear:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



7. Select “seconds”:

The ruler track will change as:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



So now we have 2 rulers happening at the same time (bars+beats and seconds).

Let’s add a third ruler showing samples!


8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create the new ruler:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase



9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to switch it to timecode:

Independent Time Displays in Cubase


We can now see how we have three independent time displays: Bars+Beats, seconds and samples!

And that is how you set up Individual Time Displays in Cubase.

We hope you found this tutorial on how to use Individual Time Displays in Cubase helpful!

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