
Basics of Track Navigation In Studio One

In this tutorial, I am going to focus on some basic, but very useful keyboard shortcuts in Studio One, that enable you to navigate within individual Tracks and access the Solo, Mute, Monitor and Record buttons. As well as the show envelopes function, moving backward and forwards between Tracks and Track Heights.
Keyboard Shortcuts covered include:
Track Solo On/Off: S
Track Mute On/Off: M
Input Monitor On/Off: U
Record Arm/Input Monitor Enable: R
Show Envelopes Function On/Off: A
Track Horizontal Zoom In: E
Track Horizontal Zoom Out: W
Track Vertical Zoom In: Shift + E
Track Vertical Zoom Out: Shift + W
Track Vertical Zoom In (alt.):
                        Control + Shift + E (Win)
                        Command + Shift + E (MacOS)
Track Vertical Zoom Out (alt.):
                        Control + Shift + numpad +/- (Win)
                        Command + Shift + numpad +/- (MacOS)

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