Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1


This blog is part of our new series of tutorials based on the new features included in the latest update of PreSonus Studio One 6.1

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Channel Icons

Have you ever been in those situations in which you are mixing a song with so many tracks, it is hard to recognize which one is which?

Perhaps you are trying to read the names of the tracks, but they are just so many, it takes a while to get to the track you are searching?

Well, those days are over!


You can now add Channel Icons to your tracks in Studio One! Yes! A icon! A small visual drawing that resembles the sound source of that specific track.

So think about, a guitar icon on the guitar track, no need to actually read the name, you can just look at the icon and know that is in fact the guitar track!

Let’s give it a shot!


  1. Open or create a new Studio One song:

As it can be seen, we have four tracks: one vocal, two guitars and a bass.

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1


As you can see, we have the tracks already identified with their names, and also color-coded.


Let’s go ahead and add Track Icons to this!


2.Click on the options icon:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



The following options will appear as:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



3. Click on the “Show Track Icons” option:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



Track Icons area will show as:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



As you can see, the icons area show empty spaces! Let’s fill those now.



4. Click on the icon area of the first track:

The following window will appear as:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



From here, we can see the icons window, gives us categories, and each of the categories, shows the available icons.

For the purpose of this tutorial, this first track is a vocal track, so we can assign the “Lead Vocals” icon.


5. Select the proper track icon:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



6. Repeat this process for the remaining tracks:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



We can also show these icons in our console!


7. Switch to the console view:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



8. On the top left corner, click on the Options icon:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



Options will appear as:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



9. Click on the “Channel Icons” option:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1



The Icons will appear as:

Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1




And that is it! Now you know how to use Channel Icons in Studio One 6.1!

Using Presonus Studio One 6.1 software to produce music would be ideal with one of our professionally designed PCAudioLabs Systems due our high-performance specifications in order to work with any of the Digital Audio Workstations supported. If you would like to order one of our PCAudioLabs computers, please call us at 615-933-6775 or click this link for our website.



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