Folder Tracks in Cubase

Folder Tracks in Cubase

Folder Tracks in Cubase


In this blog, we’ll demonstrate how to create and configure our Folder Tracks in Cubase.

This blog is part of our new series of tutorials based on the new version of Steinberg Cubase 12.

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Folder Tracks in Cubase

Let’s say you are using Cubase for mixing a full-length production.

Modern productions are known for having large track-counts, anything from 50 to 200 tracks. Incredible!

Now, when you have that many tracks, it becomes really hard to navigate within the project.

At this point, organization is key!

Folder tracks are extremely useful if you want to “pack” tracks that are part of the same instrument.

For example, if you want to “pack” all you guitar tracks into a single “Guitars” folder, or all your drum tracks in a single “Drums” folder.

How do we do this?

Here we go!



  1. Let’s say you have an existing project in Cubase with several drum tracks:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



It is easy to see how we have several audio tracks for Kick, Snare, toms, overheads, etc.

We are gonna create a folder track and include these tracks in it!



2. On the top menu bar click: Project -> Add Track -> Folder:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



The “Add Track” window will appear as:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



From this window we can see there are several parameters such as:

  • Name: This field lets your type the name of the Folder track.
  • Count: This field lets you determine the number of Folder tracks to be created.



For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a single Folder Track called “Drums”.



3. Apply the following configurations:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



4. Click on “Add Track”:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



The folder track will be created as:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



5. Click and drag the “Drums” folder track to located it at the end of the track list:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



6. Select all the drum tracks, drag and drop them on the “Drums” folder:

Look how to seem to be contained inside the “Drums” folder now:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



7. Click on the folder icon of the “Drums” folder to “close the folder”:

Tracks will be hidden since the folder is closed as:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



8. Click again on the folder icon of the “Drums” folder to “open the folder”:

Folder Tracks in Cubase



And that is it! Now you have created your folder track and included its associated tracks to it.

We hope you found this tutorial on Folder Tracks in Cubase helpful!

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